Thanking for being part of BNI British Columbia. We value all BNI applicants and as such have implemented a full onboarding program to support your success in BNI and launching your chapter.

This onboarding checklist helps all applicants with the start of their BNI journey. You are an integral part of building your chapter, but you are never alone.  This checklist is the starting guide towards your successful chapter launch.


BNI British Columbia - Launch Group Chapters forming

New chapters are continuously forming at BNI.  We call these new chapters core groups.  Click on a button below for more details and information.


It Takes Work

Have you ever worked out before? If you have then you know the feeling in the beginning. It kind of hurts. If you stick with it though it becomes habit and you become stronger. "Short term pain...". This is the same at the beginning stages of growing and launching a new chapter.

What's The Key?

The key to growth in any successful chapter is an inviting mindset. "ABI" Always Be Inviting. Some of the most valuable education you will receive is how to invite. This is what our Applicant Training is about.

Reaching The Finish Line

Like any good coach your BNI Launch Team is always there support you and keep you focussed on the collective goal of launching your chapter. "Why settle for mediocrity when excellence is an option?"